Monday, May 30, 2011

Memorial Day Parade

Under my windshield wiper I found a flyer from the RV Park we're staying in.  The flyer informed me of a Memorial Day celebration.  Festivities included a parade, cookout and karaoke.  People were invited to dress up and walk, ride their bikes, or whatever else in the parade.  

Shortly before the parade was to start Ava and I walked up to the main hall where the parade was to begin.  We were directed inside the hall where Ava and I were adorned with red tissue paper flowers to tie onto our wrists or in our hair.  They then asked us to ride in the parade with them. 

After agreeing we stepped outside where there were six golf carts and two bicyclists decorated in red, white and blue.  As the route wove its way up and down the rows of the RV park, I realized Ava and I were by far the youngest people in the parade by at least a factor of 3.  The gentleman driving the golf cart Ava and I were on kept yelling, "SLOW DOWN!" to the front-running golf cart.  The lead kept having to stop, get out of their golf cart and ask, "WHAT DID YOU SAY?"  They'd resume the route and repeat again and again.

Apparently, the geriatric parade had an effect on Ava because she just dozed off in the middle of it all.